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I love AYU fishing very much. I enjoy AYU fishing during summer, the season of AYU fishing is since June through September mainly.

The AYU is an amphidromous fish and their life is only one year. They incubates at the sea near their mother river in winter season. In early spring season, they ascend the river and they grow up while eating algae on a stone beneath the water.

The fish in family AYU lives in eastern Asia such as Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan.
The fishing method of AYU-Tomozuri is a major game fishing in Japan. The method is very unique way which catching an AYU by using an AYU. It uses the territorial behavior of AYU. When a living decoy AYU which tied to fisher's rod via line invades other AYU, it makes angry to other AYU. Then, other AYU attacks to the decoy who has a hook, finally other AYU is hooked and fisher catches the AYU. Once AYU hooked, its pulling force is very strong because of two fishes pull and usually hooking to the dorsal of other AYU.

There are so many AYU tomozuri fans in Japan, its number is obiously grater than anglers who love fly-fishing.

Fishing Method
AYU Tomoduri